[번역 중] Farmer John has left some old mirrors sitting outside his house, and his cows, feeling mischievous as always, have stolen them! 농부 존은 집 밖에 오래된 거을을 가지고 있다. 심보고약한 그의 소들이 이 것을 훔쳤다.
The cows have set up the mirrors in a rectangular field measuring N by M squares (1 <= N, M <= 1,000). 소들은 N * M 으로 측정되는 사각형 필드로 거을을 설치했다. In each square, they have placed a double sided mirror between two of its opposite corners. 각 칸에는 양쪽 사이드 거울을 두었다. 반대 코너의 두 개 사이에 These two possible configurations are represented by the '/' character (a mirror connecting the lower-left corner to the upper-right corner) and the '\' character (a mirror connecting the upper-left corner to the lower-right corner). 이 두개의 가능한
One evening, Bessie the cow brings a laser pointer out to the mirror field. Standing outside the field, she shines the beam of light either horizontally or vertically along either a row or column of the field, causing it to bounce of some number of mirrors. Since the mirrors are all diagonally oriented, a horizontal beam of light that reflects off a mirror will end up traveling vertically, and vice versa. Bessie wonders what is the maximum number of mirrors on which her beam of light can be reflected at the same time. Given the layout of the mirror field, please help Bessie compute this number.
The cows have set up the mirrors in a rectangular field measuring N by M squares (1 <= N, M <= 1,000). In each square, they have placed a double sided mirror between two of its opposite corners. These two possible configurations are represented by the '/' character (a mirror connecting the lower-left corner to the upper-right corner) and the '\' character (a mirror connecting the upper-left corner to the lower-right corner).
One evening, Bessie the cow brings a laser pointer out to the mirror field. Standing outside the field, she shines the beam of light either horizontally or vertically along either a row or column of the field, causing it to bounce of some number of mirrors. Since the mirrors are all diagonally oriented, a horizontal beam of light that reflects off a mirror will end up traveling vertically, and vice versa. Bessie wonders what is the maximum number of mirrors on which her beam of light can be reflected at the same time. Given the layout of the mirror field, please help Bessie compute this number.
입력 3 3 /\\ \\\ /\/ 출력 3
출처:USACO 2014 February Contest, Bronze