프로그램 명: usa_mathpra
제한시간: 1 초

[문제요약] 두 수 A (0 <= A <= 45) , B( 1 <= B <= 9) 가 주어진다. A 보다 크고 2^E 의 첫 수가 B 와 같아지는 최소 정수 E ( 1..62) 를 출력하는게 문제이다.

One lovely afternoon, Bessie's friend Heidi was helping Bessie review for her upcoming math exam.

Heidi presents two integers A (0 <= A <= 45) and B (1 <= B <= 9) to Bessie who must respond with an integer E in the range 1..62. E is the smallest integer in that range that is strictly greater than A and also has B as the first digit of 2 raised to the E-th power. If there is no answer, Bessie responds with 0.

Help Bessie correctly answer all of Heidi's questions by calculating her responses.

By way of example, consider A=1 and B=6. Bessie might generate a table like this:

         E         2^E    First digit of 2^E
         2          4            4
         3          8            8
         4         16            1
         5         32            3
         6         64            6      <-- matches B
Thus, E=6 is the proper answer.

NOTE: The value of 2^44 does not fit in a normal 32-bit integer.


* Line 1: Two space-separated integers: A and B


* Line 1: A single integer E calculated as above

입출력 예


1 6


출처:usaco 2010 NOV bronze

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