프로그램 명: usa_gdisc
제한시간: 1 초

//작업 중... Bessie has a created a puzzle for Farmer John. In front of him there is a lake with N (1 <= N <= 40) small islands, with bridges between some pairs of islands. Bessie has agreed to tell FJ if it is possible to safely get from any island to any other island *without* using a specified set of bridges.

That is, if we think of the islands as a graph, with bridges corresponding to edges, then Bessie will tell FJ if all N vertices are connected *after removing a specified subset of the edges*. (It is guaranteed that the initial graph is connected.)

FJ would like to determine exactly which bridges exist. Help FJ figure this out using as few questions as possible (see below for a detailed description of the scoring procedure).

An example dialogue between Bessie and FJ might be as follows, assuming that the collection of islands corresponds to the graph on 4 vertices consisting of edges {{1,2}, {1,3}, {1,4}, {2,3}} (depicted below):

|\ |
| \|
4  3

FJ's query      |  Bessie's response   |  Comments
{{1,2}}         |     Yes              |
{{3,4}}         |     Yes              |
{{1,4}, {4,3}}  |     No               | {1,4} must be an edge
{{1,2}, {2,3}}  |     No               | {2,3} must be an edge
{{1,2}, {3,1}}  |     No               | {1,3} must be an edge
{{1,3}}         |     Yes              | {1,2} must be an edge
{{1,4}}         |     No               | {2,4} and {3,4} are not edges
FJ can then conclude that the graph has edges {{1,2}, {1,3}, {1,4}, {2,3}}, and no others.

This problem is a reactive problem, meaning that instead of reading and writing to a file you will use stdin and stdout (in other words, console input and output) to interact with a grader program. See the input description for important information about interactive problems.

At the beginning of execution, the grader program will write a single integer, N, the number of vertices. You will then write lines with one of the following three forms:

R i j
U i j
where R, U, and Q are the characters 'R', 'U', and 'Q', and i and j are integers in the range 1..N. The first sort of query removes the edge between vertices i and j (if it exists). The second undoes the previous removal of an edge between i and j. The third asks whether the graph is connected; after you output Q, the grader will output either 0 (for not connected) or 1 (for connected).

When your program is ready to output the graph, you should output a line with the single character 'A', then N lines, each with N characters. The jth number on the ith of these lines should be 1 if vertices i and j are adjacent, and 0 otherwise (a vertex is never adjacent to itself).

If you output an incorrect graph at the end, you will receive 0 points. Otherwise, you will receive points based on the number of times you output 'Q'. If you output 'Q' at most 900 times then you will receive 100% of the points. If you output 'Q' K times for some 900 < K <= 5000, then you will receive a percentage of the points equal to 20+80*(900/K). If you output 'Q' more than 5000 times, you will receive 0 points.

A dialogue corresponding to the example above is as follows (< indicates the grader's output, > indicates your program's output; these symbols are for clarity only and not part of the actual output).

I/O        | Set of removed edges
< 4        |
> R 1 2    | {{1,2}}
> Q        |
< 1        |
> U 1 2    | {}
> R 3 4    | {{3,4}}
> Q        |
< 1        |
> R 4 1    | {{3,4}, {4,1}}
> Q        |
< 0        |
> U 3 4    | {{4,1}}
> U 1 4    | {}
> R 1 2    | {{1,2}}
> R 2 3    | {{1,2}, {2,3}}
> Q        |
< 0        |
> U 3 2    | {{1,2}}
> R 3 1    | {{1,2}, {3,1}}
> Q        |
< 0        |
> U 1 2    | {{3,1}}
> Q        |
< 1        |
> U 3 1    | {}
> R 1 4    | {{1,4}}
> Q        |
< 0        |
> A        |
> 0111     |
> 1010     |
> 1100     |
> 1000     |
TIME LIMIT: 2 seconds

Interactive programs usually require extra code that causes output to be unbuffered -- to be written in real time instead of buffering for faster (but later) output.

Those C/C++ users who use #include should execute this line before any input or output:

setlinebuf (stdout);

Users of should also use fgets () to read from stdin. Use of scanf is not recommended; do something like this to parse input data:

    char line[1000];
    setlinebuf (stdout);

    fgets (line, 1000, stdin);
    sscanf (line, "..format..", &var1, ...);
    /* if the line contents need to be interpreted */
Those C++ users who use iostream should cout << flush after each line (and also use cin in the normal manner):
    cout << foo << endl;
    cout << flush;
Be sure when you read the response from the computer that you read *all* the letters, not just the first one. The response will never be more than one letter + one newline + one string terminator ('\0'). import java.io.*; ... PrintStream out = new PrintStream (System.out, true); // 'unbuffers' output ... // sample integer print: out.println (foo);

For Pascal, use the following scheme for writing:

    writeln (stdout, ...your output here...); flush(stdout);

Be sure to read in the entire reply -- make room for the letter,
the newline, and the string terminator.

Despite the references to gdisc.in and gdisc.out here and below, no files are used for input or output.







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