프로그램 명: usa_curl
제한시간: 1 초

Cow curling is a popular cold-weather sport played in the Moolympics.

Like regular curling, the sport involves two teams, each of which slides N heavy stones (3 <= N <= 50,000) across a sheet of ice. At the end of the game, there are 2N stones on the ice, each located at a distinct 2D point.

Scoring in the cow version of curling is a bit curious, however. A stone is said to be "captured" if it is contained inside a triangle whose corners are stones owned by the opponent (a stone on the boundary of such a triangle also counts as being captured). The score for a team is the number of opponent stones that are captured.

Please help compute the final score of a cow curling match, given the locations of all 2N stones.



* Line 1: Two space-separated integers, giving the scores for teams A and B.

입출력 예


0 0
0 2
2 0
2 2
1 1
1 10
-10 3
10 3


1 2

Each team owns 4 stones.  Team A has stones at (0,0), (0,2), (2,0), and
(2,2), and team B has stones at (1,1), (1,10), (-10,3), and (10,3).


Team A captures their opponent's stone at (1,1).  Team B captures their
opponent's stones at (0,2) and (2,2).

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