[요약] 마트료시카 인형은 인형 안에 인형이 들어가있는 형태의 러시아의 인형입니다. 인형들의 크기가 주어졌을 때 총 몇 개의 마트료시카 인형을 만들 수 있는지 출력하세요
Hi Adam, I hope you enjoy these dolls. But sorry, I didn't have enough time to sort them out. You'll
notice that each doll has a hollow hole at the bottom which allows it to contain a smaller doll inside.
Adam, who already has so many things in his showcase already, decides to assemble the dolls to reduce the number of outermost dolls. The dolls that Matryona sent have the same shape but different sizes. That is, doll i can be represented by a single number h i denoting its height. Doll i can fit inside another doll j if and only if hi < hj . Also, the dolls are designed such that each doll may contain at most one doll right inside it. While Adam is stacking his gigantic collection of Matryoshka dolls, can you write a program to compute the minimum number of outermost dolls so that he can figure out how much space he needs in his showcase?
입력 4 5 7 7 3 출력 2 입력 3 10 10 10 출력 3 입력 3 10 999999999 100000000 출력 1
출처:standford/2010/ 요약:ladown21