[문제요약] 성(surname) 의 첫글자가 같은 사람의 수가 5 명 이상인 첫 글자를 알파벳순으로 출력하는 문제.
존재하지 않는다면 PREDAJA 를 출력
Since Mirko is incredibly lazy, he doesn't bother remembering players' names, let alone their actual skills. That's why he has settled on selecting five players who share the same first letter of their surnames, so that he can remember them more easily. If there are no five players sharing the first letter of their surnames, Mirko will simply forfeit the game!
In order to obtain insight into possibilities for his team, Mirko wants to know all the different letters that his primary team's surnames may begin with.
Each of the following N lines contains one word (at most 30 characters long, consisting only of lowercase English letters), a surname of one of the players.
input 18 babic keksic boric bukic sarmic balic kruzic hrenovkic beslic boksic krafnic pecivic klavirkovic kukumaric sunkic kolacic kovacic prijestolonasljednikovic output bk input 6 michael jordan lebron james kobe bryant output PREDAJA