새로 만든 폰트를 테스트하기 위해 26개의 알파벳이 모두 들어가는 문자열을 만들려고 합니다.
주어진 문자열들을 한 번씩만 사용해 새로운 문자열을 만들 때 조건에 맞는 문자열을 몇 개 만들 수 있는지 출력하세요.
The letters are tested so that various sentences using those letters are printed out and then manually (more accurately, visually) checked if everything is arranged properly. Only sentences which contain all 26 lowercase letter of the English alphabet (a-z) are used for testing purposes. These sentences are called test sentences.
You've probably already assumed that Ivica's job is to find test sentences. He has a dictionary which consists of N words and has to calculate how many different test sentences can be made out of those words. Every word from the dictionary can be used only once in the sentence and the order of the words in the sentence is irrelevant (i.e. “uvijek jedem sarmu” and “jedem sarmu uvijek” are equal sentences).
input 9 the quick brown fox jumps over a sleazy dog output 2 input 3 a b c output 0 input 15 abcdefghijkl bcdefghijklm cdefghijklmn defghijklmno efghijklmnop fghijklmnopq ghijklmnopqr hijklmnopqrs ijklmnopqrst jklmnopqrstu klmnopqrstuv lmnopqrstuvw mnopqrstuvwx nopqrstuvwxy opqrstuvwxyz output 8189 Clarification of the first example: All words but the word “a” must be used in the test sentence because each word contains a letter that cannot be found in any other word. Therefore, there are two possible solutions. The first one being the sentence which consists of all the words and the second one being the sentence which consists of all the words apart from the word “a”. Clarification of the third example: Given that the example is long, we stress that all the words from the example consist of consecutive letters of the English alphabet.
출처:coci/2013-2014/contest6 2 번 요약:ladown21