[문제요약]하나의 문자열이 주어질 때 두 번이상 나오는 가장 긴 스트링의 크기를 구하는 문제.
sabcabcfabc , sabcabcfabc , sabcabcfabc trutrutiktiktappop , trutrutiktiktappop
As Ivana is running late, Zvonko has been looking at the screen for a while and noticed that some messages appeared on the screen more than once. Naturally, he's been writing down all messages on a piece of paper. He wants to know the length of the longest string that appeared at least twice (appears in two different positions on the paper).
input 11 sabcabcfabc output 3 input 18 trutrutiktiktappop output 4 input 6 abcdef output 0
출처:coci/2006-2007/contest5 6