프로그램 명: coci_dom
제한시간: 1 초
[요약] 3 문자에서 100 문자이하의 대문자가 입력으로 주어질 때 문자 중에서 CAMBRIDGE 에 포함된 문자를 제거한 문자를 출력
In a small country far, far away, all the best and brightest high schoolers apply to universities abroad
(even further away). The exact cause is always different and hard to find. Of course, the country's
leaders aren't happy about that since they care deeply about their gifted (read profitable) youth.
That's why the Education Ministry has started research into various subliminal messages to coax high
schoolers into staying in their homeland. Their first try was handing out booster packs for the recent
Magic: The Gathering expansion known as Return to Ravnica as competition prizes.
Then they started to play Tony Cetinski's song “Ostani zauvijek” on math radio all the time. Finally, there is this task!
Given a word, remove from it all letters contained in the word CAMBRIDGE.
The first and only line of input contains a single word consisting of at least 3 and at most 100 uppercase English letters.
The first and only line of output should contain the word obtained by removing all the letters in
CAMBRIDGE from the given word. Test data will ensure that the solution contains at least one letter.
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출처:coci/2012-2013/contest1 1/6
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