프로그램 명: booklet
제한시간: 1 초

[문제 요약]한장의 종이를 접어 네 페이지를 만들어 접은 페이지 안으로 다른 페이지를 끼워서 책을 만드는 경우 순서대로 페이지 번호를 붙이고자 하는 경우 옮은 페이지 번호를 생성하는 프로그램.

아래그림은 4 페이지 booklet 에 대한 그림이다.

Front              Back
-------------      -------------
|     |     |      |     |     |
|  4  |  1  |      |  2  |  3  |
|     |     |      |     |     |
-------------      -------------

When printing out a document, normally the first page is printed first, then the second, then the third, and so on until the end. However, when creating a fold-over booklet, the order of printing must be altered. A fold-over booklet has four pages per sheet, with two on the front and two on the back. When you stack all the sheets in order, then fold the booklet in half, the pages appear in the correct order as in a regular book. For example, a 4-page booklet would print on 1 sheet of paper: the front will contain page 4 then page 1, and the back will contain page 2 then page 3.
Front              Back

-------------      -------------

|     |     |      |     |     |

|  4  |  1  |      |  2  |  3  |

|     |     |      |     |     |

-------------      -------------
Your task is to write a program that takes as input the number of pages to be printed, then generates the printing order.


페이지 수 n 이 입력으로 주어진다. n 은 100 이하이다.


If the desired number of pages does not completely fill up a sheet, then print the word Blank in place of a number. If the front or back of a sheet is entirely blank, do not generate output for that side of the sheet. Output must be in ascending order by sheet, front first, then back.

입출력 예




Printing order for 1 pages:
Sheet 1, front: Blank, 1




Printing order for 14 pages:
Sheet 1, front: Blank, 1
Sheet 1, back : 2, Blank
Sheet 2, front: 14, 3
Sheet 2, back : 4, 13
Sheet 3, front: 12, 5
Sheet 3, back : 6, 11
Sheet 4, front: 10, 7
Sheet 4, back : 8, 9




Printing order for 4 pages:
Sheet 1, front: 4, 1
Sheet 1, back : 2, 3

입출력 보충

출처:Mid-Central USA 1998

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