프로그램 명: boi_sound
제한시간: 1 초

In digital recording, sound is described by a sequence of numbers representing the air pressure, measured at a rapid rate with a fixed time interval between successive measurements. Each value in the sequence is called a sample.

An important step in many voice-processing tasks is breaking the recorded sound into chunks of non-silence separated by silence. To avoid accidentally breaking the recording into too few or too many pieces, the silence is often defined as a sequence of m samples where the difference between the lowest and the highest value does not exceed a certain treshold c.

Write a program to detect silence in a given recording of n samples according to the given parameter values m and c.



The file should list all values of i such that max(a[i . . . i + m - 1]) - min(a[i . . . i + m - 1]) ≤ c. The values should be listed in increasing order, each on a separate line.

If there is no silence in the input file, write NONE on the first and only line of the output file.

입출력 예


7 2 0
0 1 1 2 3 2 2


출처: boi 2007 

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