프로그램 명: boi_radio
제한시간: 1 초

A radio station needs to transmit a message to several recipients. To ensure all listeners get it, the message is played again and again in a continuous loop.

You’re given a sequence of characters received by one of the recipients. It is known the sequence is at least as long as the message.

Your task is to write a program that extracts the message transmitted by the station. More formally, your program needs to find the shortest subsequence S′ of the input sequence S such that S in turn is a subsequence of the (sufficiently long) repetition S′ + S′ + ··· + S′.


The input is read from standard input. The first line contains a single integer L, the length of the sequence S. The second line contains exactly L characters, the sequence S itself. The sequence consists of lowercase letters (a . . . z).


The program should write one line to standard output containing a single integer: the length L′ of the message S′ . Note that L ′ must be the smallest possible.

입출력 예




The message could be abc, cab or abcabc, but there’s no possible message shorter than 3 characters.


1 < L ≤ 1,000,000.
출처: boi 2009 practice

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