프로그램 명: boi_mobile(special judge)
제한시간: 1 초

The well-known mobile network operator Totalphone has set up a number of new base transceiver stations in order to cover a newly-built highway with its network. As always the programmers of Totalphone have been sloppy; as a result, the transmission power cannot be set up individually for the stations, but one can only set the transmission power to a fixed common value for all the stations. In order to minimize power consumption, the company wants to know the maximal distance of a point on the highway to the nearest base transceiver station.


The highway is a straight line ranging from (0; 0) to (L; 0).


The first and only line of the text file mobile.out should contain a single number - the maximal distance of a point on the highway to the nearest base transceiver station.

Your output will be regarded as correct if it differs by at most 10^-3 from the precise result.

입출력 예


2 10
0 0
11 1





Use at least double precision floating point numbers for your computations, as smaller types may fail to give the precision required for solving the problem.
출처:boi 2012 
special judge:ainta

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