The Society for Saving the World has called their N members to an emergency congress to finally agree on a plan for saving the world. To reach a common decision in any meeting at the congress, the meeting participants proceed as follows:
To speed up the overall decision-making process, the participants of the congress have decided to split into groups and work in parallel. Each group selects the best proposal among themselves using the procedure described above. Then the representatives of the groups meet and pick the final plan among the proposals voted best in each group.
For example, if the 100 participants would split into two groups of 40 and 60, respectively, the process could work as follows (again, P = V = 1):
But the groups might further divide themselves into subgroups and sometimes it could be useful to split into more than two groups. As a special case, a subgroup of 1 member can decide in no time, as there is no need to present one’s own proposal to oneself.
Write a program that, given presentation and voting times P and V , computes the minimal time needed for the N participants of the congress to reach a common decision, assuming they organize their meetings and groups optimally.
입력 9 1 1 출력 8 입력 6 1 2 출력 8 입력 6 2 1 출력 12In the first example, the participants can be divided into 3 groups of 3 members each. Then each group needs 4 minutes and the 3 representatives need another 4 minutes for their final meeting.
출처:BOI 2011 day2 1/4