프로그램 명: boi_ele(special judge)
제한시간: 1 초
//sj가 아직...
The citizens of Byteland have recently been voting in the parliamentary
elections. Now, when the results have been published, the parties have to decide
on a coalition to form the government.
Each party received a certain number of seats in the parliament. The
coalition must be a subset of the parties such that together they have strictly
more than half of all the seats in the parliament. It is desirable for the coalition
to have as many seats as possible, to ensure they can still pass their proposed
laws even if a few of their members are absent from a parliament session.
A coalition is called redundant if one of its parties can be removed with
the remaining ones still having more than half of the seats in the parliament.
Of course, such a removable party would efiectively have no power fi the
other members of the coalition would be able to force the laws regardless of its
Write a program that:
fi reads the election results from the standard input,
fi finds a non-redundant coalition that has the maximal possible number
of seats in the parliament,
fi writes the description of this coalition to the standard output.
The first line of the standard input contains one integer n (1 6 n 6 300 )
fi the number of parties that participated in the elections. The parties are
numbered from 1 to n.
The second line contains n nonnegative integers a1,..., an, separated by
single spaces, where ai
is the number of seats received by the i-th party. You
may assume that the total number of seats in the parliament will be positive
and lower or equal to 100 000 .
Additionally, in test cases worth 40% of points, the number of parties will
not exceed 20 .
The first line of the standard output should contain one integer k fi the number
of parties in a non-redundant coalition which has the maximal number of seats.
The second line should contain k distinct integers separated by single spaces
fi the numbers of parties that form the coalition.
If there are several non-redundant coalitions with the maximal number of
seats, you may output any of them. The member parties can be listed in any
입출력 예
1 3 2 4
2 4
출처:BOI 2008 1/7
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